Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Troubleshooting, Causes and their Solutions of computer (Point Wise)

1. Problem : No display in computer screen :-

Potential Causes :

a) Loose connection of monitor cable with VGA card.

b) Display card not fixed properly on expansion slot.

c) RAM chips not fixed on memory slot.

d) CPU not fixed on CPU socket.

e) Resolution of monitor is set up in very high resolution, which is not supported by monitor such as 1024 × 1200 in windows 95’ 98’ platform.

f) Display card may be damage.

g) SMPS does not supply accurate power.

h) May be problem in monitor.

i) Motherboard may defective.

j) Reverse connection of data cable on HDD.

k) Monitor adjustment.

Potential Solution :

i) Connect the monitor cable on display card with properly.

ii) Fix properly your display card on expansion slot.

iii) Fix properly RAM on RAM slot.

iv) Fix CPU on CPU socket and check display.

v) Start your computer on safe mode pressing f8 on starting phase and reduce the window resolution (recommended 800 × 600)

vi) Change display card and check display.

vii) Change SMPS and check for display.

viii) Check display by changing other fine monitor.

ix) Change other fine motherboard and check display.

x) Check HDD cable and change cable connection.

xi) Adjust brightness and contrast button on monitor.

2. Problem : Computer restart itself frequently :

Potential Causes :

i) SMPS does not regulate voltage properly.

ii) May be the problem of voltage fluctuation of our electricity system.

iii) Hard disk is full by data or no free space on HDD.

iv) CPU fan is not working properly.

v) Processor may be damage.

vi) Memory problem.

vii) OS problem.

viii) Virus problem.

ix) Power supply (SMPS) problem.

x) IDE drive p[problem

xi) Motherboard problem

Potential Soultion :

i) Check SMPS power by multi meter.

ii) Use volt guard and UPS.

iii) Delete unnecessary data from hard disk to get free space.

iv) Change CPU cooler fan.

v) Change other CPU.

vi) Check and replace memory.

vii) Repair OS or, clean pre-installed OS.

viii) Scan PC thoroughly and clean or, remove virus and spyware.

ix) Check and replace SMPS.

x) Check one by one IDE drives and replace it.

xi) Check and replace motherboard.

3. Problem : Computer Slow :

Potential Causes :

i) Not enough memory for your program.

ii) Insufficient free disk space in HDD.

iii) Due to virus infection.

iv) Lower speed of CPU.

v) Several programs are running at same time.

vi) Lots of application kept in start up.

vii) Cache memory disabled in BIOS setup.

viii) Low video memory in display card.

Potential Solution :

i) Upgrade the memory.

ii) Delete unnecessary files or change other hard disk.

iii) Scan HDD by latest anti virus program.

iv) Upgrade the latest CPU.

v) Do not open several program at the same time.

vi) Remove the program from startup.

vii) Enable cache memory in BIOS setup.

viii) Use fine display card.

4. Problem : Not clear display :

Potential Causes :

i) Improper installation of display card driver.

ii) High resolution, which is not supported by monitor.

Potential Solution :

i) Reinstall the display driver software.

ii) Restart on safe mode and set resolution

5. Problem : Frequently hang the computer :

Potential Causes :

i) Improper BIOS setting.

ii) Virus infection on computer program.

iii) May be memory mismatch.

iv) Conflict on one device with other device.

v) Improper power output from power supply.

vi) Improper installation of drivers of any device.

vii) Insufficient memory.

viii) Not enough free space on HDD.

ix) CPU fan not working properly.

x) Motherboard may be defective.

xi) Not compatible peripherals with motherboard such as sound card, display card, modem and so on.

xii) Mismatch of RAM and display card.

xiii) Corrupted any file of program or installed improperly.

xiv) Bad sector found on hard disk.

xv) Some game create such problem.

xvi) May be mouse and keyboard defective.

xvii) Desktop resolution is higher than supported by your computer.

Potential Solution :

i) Set all option as properly on BIOS setup.

ii) Scan your all drive by latest antivirus.

iii) Use same type of memory.

iv) Check device manager on the property of My Computer.

v) Change or repair power supply unit.

vi) Install the proper driver software of device.

vii) Upgrade memory unit.

viii) Delete unnecessary file to increase free space on HDD.

ix) Change CPU fan.

x) Change your motherboard.

xi) Use compatible card.

xii) Use same type of memory.

xiii) Reinstall the program properly.

xiv) Try to remove the bad sector by any program or change other hard disk.

xv) Remove those game and program. Change keyboard and mouse.

xvi) Change that setting in lower order such as 600 × 800 pixels.

6. Problem: Unable to load windows or hanging the system during windows startup.

Potential Causes:

i) HDD problem

ii) NTLDR is missing

iii) Corrupt boot record or Master Boot Record

Potential Solution: Use recover console options.

i) Enter into the BIOS setting.

ii) Choose CD as a first boot device.

iii) Insert windows XP CD in Cd drive.

iv) Pres any key to start from CD.

v) Press R for recover console option.

vi) Type administrator option (if any) and press Enter key.

vii) Choose 1 (if windows in C drive) or, choose 2 (if windows in D drive)

viii) Then you will get C:\windows>

ix) Type CHKDSK to check and repair disk.

x) Type EXIT to exit from recover console.

xi) Now, choose hard disk as a 1st boot device from BIOS setting.

For NTLDR is missing or Boot Record or Master Boot Record corruption problem,

i) Type FIXMBR or FIXBOOT in the C:\windows>prompt

ii) Type EXIT to exit from recover console.

7. Problem: Beep Sound during booting process

Potential Causes:

i) No memory in place or unseated memory in the place.

ii) Defected memory may be inserted.

Potential Causes:

i) Re-insert the memory in place.

ii) Replace memory

8. Problem :- Continuous long beep sound when switch ON the computer and no display.

Potential Causes :

    * RAM do not fix properly on RAM slot.
    * Motherboard may be damage.
    * Display card does not fixed properly.
    * Display card may be damage.

Potential Solution :

    * Fix RAM on RAM slot and restart.
    * Change motherboard and restart.
    * Check and fix properly.
    * Change display card and check display.

9. Problem : Loud sound hearing while booting process.

Potential Causes:

    * Processor is not fixed in its slot properly.

Potential Solution :

    * Pull out the processor and reinsert in the slot.

10. Problem : Hard disk Fail

Potential Causes :

    * Data Cable not connected properly.
    * Data cable connected in reverse order.
    * Not connected power cable on HDD.
    * SMPS does not supply required voltage.
    * Improper setting in BIOS setup for HDD.
    * Improper jumper setting on HDD for Master and slave.
    * Hard disk may be damage.

Potential Solutions :

    * Check data cable and restart computer.
    * Plug the data cable on proper direction.
    * Plug the power connector on HDD properly.
    * Check power voltage on SMPS (5V or 12V).
    * Choose proper setting on BIOS setup.
    * Check and fix jumper setting.
    * If hard disk is damage, it produces some unusual sound from computer. Replace it.

11. Problem : Mouse Hang

Potential Causes :

    * Conflict the port setting.
    * Not properly connected in Motherboard.
    * Dust in mouse ball.
    * Mouse may be damaged.

Potential Solutions :

    * Choose empty port for mouse.
    * Connected properly in Motherboard.
    * Clean the mouse ball and its housing.
    * Change other fine mouse.

12. Problem : No power when switch on the computer

Potential Causes :

    * Mismatch the power cable.
    * Power ON button is defective.
    * SMPS may be damaged.

Potential Solutions :

    * Connect the power cable as properly.
    * Check and repair power switch.
    * Repair SMPS.

13. Problem : Press F1 to continue, at the time of booting.

Potential Causes :

    * Improper of CMOS setting.

Potential Solution :

    * Choose proper option on CMOS setting.

14. Problem : Window shutdown frequently

Potential Causes :

    * Virus Infection
    * Corruption of windows files
    * Mishandling of CMOS setting
    * HDD defective.

Potential Solution :

    * Scan HDD with latest anti virus program.
    * Reinstall windows.
    * CMOS setup properly.
    * Change new hard disk.

15. Problem : Rough colour in Monitor

Potential Causes :

    * Pin in monitor cable may be defective.
    * Display card may be damage.
    * Incompatibility of display card.
    * Monitor may be damage.
    * Magnetic attraction to another magnetic device such as speaker.
    * Not choosing high colour.

Potential Solutions :

    * Check monitor cable pin.
    * Change display card.
    * Use compatible display card.
    * Change or repair monitor.
    * keep these items little bit far from monitor.
    * Choose high colour setting from display properties.

16. Problem : Modem does not work properly.

Potential Causes :

    * Modem is not connected properly.
    * Due to conflict in COM ports.
    * Modem driver software not installed properly.
    * Conflict on I/O address, port, with other device.

Potential Solutions :

    * Connect Modem properly.
    * Configure the COM ports properly for modem and other device such as mouse.
    * Remove and reinstall the modem driver.
    * Removing the confliction by changing IRQ and I/O adress.

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