Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Command User Interface (CUI)

DOS is a type of CUI operating System.

  • A file name in a DOS has two parts. One in primary name and another is extension name. eg. name.txt (Where name consider as primary name and txt is consider as extension name).
  • A primary name represent actual file name and extension of a file represent types of files.

.txt = text file

.doc = document file

.sys = system file

.com = command file

.dll = dynamic link library file

.ini = initialization file

.cpl = control panel file

.exe = executable file

.bmp = bitmap image file

c:\> (Command Prompt)

To See Folde & files

c:\> dir 8 (Command used to show list of file or directory)

(File contain a data & Folder or Directory contain a Sub-Folder & File)

c:\> dir/p 8 (To see the contains page wise)

c:\> cls 8 (Clear Screen)

c:\> copy con 8 (To create new file )

Type the contents………………..


press Ctrl+c or F6 (to save the file "one file created")

c:\ > edit 8 (To modify the file text)

c:\ > md 8 (To Create New Directory, MD = make directory)

c:\ > cd 8 (To Change Directory, CD = change directory)

c:\> ren abc.txt xyz.txt 8 ( Re-Name Command, This command is used to rename file and directory)

eg. ( This example showing naming "abc.txt" to "xyz.txt" )

Deleting a File

eg. c:\> del 8

c:\> del abc.txt 8

( Above example delete the "abc.txt")

Removing Empty Directory

eg. c:\> rd 8

c:\>rd abc 8

(above example remove the directory named "abc")

Removing directory along with its file and Sub-Directory

eg. c:\> deltree 8

c:\> deltree abc 8

(Above example delete "abc" directory along with file & sub-directory)

Copy file from one location to other location

eg. c:\> copy 8

c:\> copy c:\abc\aaa.txt c:\bbb8

(above example copies "aaa.txt" file from " c:\abc" directory to "c:\bbb" directory)

Moving File

eg. c:\>move 8

c:\> move c:\>abc.txt d:\xyz 8

(above example moves "abc.txt" file from c:\ to "xyz" directory of d:\)

Changing Attribute of File

eg. c:\> attrib +h +s +r 8

c:\> attrib +h ccc.txt 8

(above example hide the "ccc.txt" file)

+h = hide the file or directory.

-h = remove hidden attributes.

+s = adds system attributes.

-s = remove system attributes.

+r = adds read only attributes.

-r = remove read only attributes.

c:\> dir/ah 8 (show the hidden files)

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