Friday, November 13, 2009

Advantages and disadvantages of Computer

Like everything has its own merits and demerits, computers too have its own advantages and disadvantages.

1. Performance given by computer is 100% accurate and it is reliable that any other devices and human beings.
2. Comparing with human being it much faster.
3. Computer can be very useful in doing repeated jobs which man can not do.
4. Impossible things can be done by using computer through simulation.
5. Computer is versatile as it can do many types of jobs at a time.
6. Computer can be used in different or multiple fields.

Disadvantages of computer:
1. Computer is expensive and poor people can not offered but day by day it is becoming cheaper.
2. It totally depends on electricity and if there is no electricity computer can not don anything and also the electric shock may cause danger.
3. Although it is reliable, sometimes the failures of devices and programs can produce unreliable result.
4. People are becoming too much dependent on computers.
5. There is every chance of leakage of information because of dishonest people and hence it has less security.
6. After the advancement of computer, everyday piracy of intellectual properties in creasing.

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