Wednesday, November 4, 2009

PhotoShop (A complete Note)

Photoshop is a powerful image editing software. It is resolution dependent and we can export Photoshop file into different format for e.g.: For video, Web, Print etc, we can create 2D, 3D graphics for web, also we can animate some graphics for web using Photoshop & Image Ready.

The default file extension of Photoshop is "PSD". In Photoshop the most important thing is a layer. You can create as many layers as you need. To open layer press F7 or Go to Window > Layer.

When you open Photoshop, you will see different Menus, Option Menu, Tool Box, and Floating Palette.

Go to File Menu > New or Simply press Ctrl + N to open New Photoshop Document.

The Default Photoshop colour Mode is RGB.

Resolution :- Resolution is the output Quality of any image (picture). Higher the resolution increase file size & you will get best quality picture. Lower the resolution decrease file size but you will not get best quality picture.

Pixel :- Pixel are a tiny dots which contains colour value & colour location.

To fill Foreground colour Press Alt + Backspace.

To fill Background colour Press Ctrl + Backspace.

To Deselect Marquee Selection Press Ctrl + D

Unto :- Ctrl + Shift + Z

Option Menu:

When you click on Marquee selection, you will see some extra option at top in option menu bar.

1) Add to selection :- This option simply adds new selection with previous one.

2) Subtract to selection :- Just opposite to add selection. This option simply remove the selection.

3) Intersect will selection :- This option keep the selection part which is overlapped.

Lasso Tool:

This is free form selection tool. You have to move your mouse when you selection this tool. You don't have to close the starting & ending point.

Polygonal Lasso Tool:

This is another way to select any picture on graphic. Using the tool you have to close the starting & ending point or simply click on enter key. This tool moves according to user choice.

Magnetic Lasso Tool:

This is quite similar to polygonal lasso tool. The only different is this tool moves near the path meaning this tool adds numbers of anchor points and find its own path.

Move Tool:

This tool moves the content from one place to another & when you select move tool you will see some extra optional top in option menu.

- Show bounding box

- Auto selection

Put a checkmark on show bounding box so that you can resize the shape.

When you using Polygonal & Magnetic Lasso Tool, you can go back steps (backward) by using backspace.


When you apply feather you will get smooth edge. Apply feather if you want to smooth any image edge. You can apply feather using two processes.

1. From option bar

2. From select Menu


1) Open 3 or 4 pictures and place each picture at one place (file name) in different layer.

2) Select first (top layer) & select marquee tool. Enter 30 px feather value & drag on the layer then press delete key.

3) Click on Second layer & fallow same process.

4) Go to file Menu > Save as. One dialog box appears. Now select Jpej extension from the drop down list box & type your file name and click on save bottom.

Magic Wand Tool:

As the name says magic, you can use this tool to delete same colour at once from any picture. This tool is very useful to remove one colour background from any picture.

Very Simple to Use:

1) Open any image

2) Select Magic Wand Tool.

You will see extra option at top on option menu.

- Tolerance

- Contiguous

- Use all layer

a) Tolerance: This option tells you when you click magic wand tool over any picture, how much area does magic wand occupy on one click. More you enter tolerance value more space it select. Less you enter tolerance value less space it select.

b) Contiguous: Active this option to select same colour at once.

c) Use all layer: Active this option if you want to remove all adjutant (same) colour of all layer. If this option is not activate then the active layer colour only select.

3) After that click over the image area & press delete or if you want to fill with another colour press Alt + Backspace or press Ctrl + Backspace to fill with different colour. In simple term do whatever you want to do.

- To copy layer or Duplicate : Press Ctrl + J or Right click on layer > Duplicate layer.


Inverse command select the opposite selection part of any selected image.

- Inverse selection : Ctrl + Shift + I or Go to select menu > Inverse

-Feather : Ctrl + Alt + D

-For Increasing Brush Size : Press "]"

-For Decreasing Brush Size : Press "["

Changing Eye Colour:

1) Open any picture.

2) Add one new layer.

3) Select brush tool and change the foreground colour of your choice and slowly move your mouse over image.

4) Now change the new layer blending mode to colour.

5) Repeat same steps to change the other eye colour.

Clone Stamp tool:

Note: When you use clone stamp tool remember to press Alt key and click over the area which you want to copy. Use same technique for healing tool also.

Duplicating an Image:

1) Open any two images.

2) Select first image, select polygonal lasso tool & select the image face part press enter & press Ctrl + Alt + D or go to select Menu > Feather. One small dialog box appear input 5 pixel value & click ok.

3) Copy the selected part & paste it over other image by the help of move tool. Move the pasted part & change the blending mode to > screen.

Shortcut Key:

-Hue/Saturation : Ctrl + U

-Level : Ctrl + L

-Colour Balance : Ctrl + B

-Desaturate : Ctrl + Shift + U

-Press "D" to bring default colour, i.e. black(foreground)/white(background)

-Redo : Ctrl + Alt + D

Bubble Effect :

1) Open Photoshop go to file Menu > New > 600 X 400 pixel & 72 resolution (document setup) choose transparent background.

2) Fill with light blue colour.

3) Add one new layer. Select elliptical marquee tool & draw a circle.


Will adding new layer draw a circle our 1st layer and select dodge tool. Change its option at top select highlight mode & slowly move your mouse over the selected area. Copy the selected part Ctrl + C & Paste it. Scale down the paste circle and Alt + drag the circle.

To Make a Grid effect Pattern:

Edit Menu > Define Pattern > Grid effect

1) Press Ctrl + N

Document Setup (10 px height X 10 px width, 72 resolution and click on transparent)

2) Zoom it to maximum (1600%) from navigator palette or simply press Ctrl + "+"

3) Press "D" to bring default colour i.e. black & white. New select brush tool & draw one horizontal & Vertical line.

4) Press Ctrl + A and go to Edit Menu > Define Pattern. Give its name as grid.

5) Open any new image.

6) Add one new layer & go to Edit Menu > fill. One small dialog box appears. From the drop down list box select pattern & select grid & click ok.

7) Now change the Blending Mode.

Blending Mode:

This gives special effect. When you change layer blending mode, it change according to down layer. Meaning it change colour to colour, lighting to lighting. When your layers blending mode is normal that means 100 % visible. When you change the mode, its change according to down layer.

-Press 'x' to change the fore colour to back or vice versa.

Creating Mask:

1) Open any new image, select polygonal marquee tool & select only face part copy it and open a new document and paste it.

2) Select sponge tool & desaturate the pasted part and once again saturate some edge according to your choice.

3) Select blur tool & blur the edges.

4) Select dodge tool & move the mouse over the pasted image.

5) Duplicate the layer (press Ctrl + J) and change the blending mode of your choice & press Ctrl + E (to merge the layer)

6) Now drag the mask over any picture & change its blending mode.

7) Ctrl + click on mask layer & go to select Menu > Modify > Expand. One small dialog box appears. Input the 10 pixel value & press Ctrl + Backspace to fill background colour.

For use of Tool:

1) Blur Tool :- This tool smooth the edge of any picture.

2) Sharpen Tool :- Sharpen the smooth edge.

3) Smudge Tool :- Mix two colour (smudge the edge)

4) Dodge Tool :- Lighten the area of picture.

5) Burn Tool :- Darken the area of picture.

6) Sponge Tool :- Desaturate or saturate the image.

Colour Mode:

RGB : Primary colour, also called as additive colour because it through colour in presence of light. It's used for Monitor and Web.

CMYK : Secondary colour, also called subtractive colour because it absorb light & produce colour. It's used for Printing.

LAB : Device in dependent colour. Good for image editing.

HSB : (H = Hue; S = Saturate; B = Brightness). Hue : Simply a colour, Saturate : Purity of colour, Brightness : Converting it into darker or Lighter colour.

Camera Recorder:

1) Open Photoshop. Go to File Menu > New document setup.

Width = 4 pixel

Height = 2 pixel

Resolution = 72

Tick on Transparent and click OK.

2) Press 'D' to bring default colour. i.e. Black/White

3) Now select Rectangle Marquee tool & drag one small 1 pixel horizontal selection & press Ctrl + Backspace. Press Ctrl + Shift + I (to invert) and press Alt + Backspace to fill with another colour. Deselect the selection press Ctrl + D.

4) Press Ctrl + A and go to edit menu > define pattern and give a name (grid).

5) Open a new image. Add one new layer & go to edit menu > fill > pattern and select given name (grid).

6) Change the pattern layer blend mode to overlay & press Ctrl + E to merge.

7) Select Elliptical marquee tool & drag a circle & Press Ctrl + Shift + I (to invert) & Press delete & once again press Ctrl + Shift + I.

8) Press Ctrl + U (open Hue/Saturate dialog box)

Hue : 128

Saturate : 25

Lightness : 0

Remember to put a check mark on colourize and then only input the above number.

9) Go to Select Menu > Modify > Border (one small dialog box appear). Input 20 pixel value & click OK.

10) Select a green colour as a foreground & press Alt + backspace. Deselect the selection.

11) Select a rectangle marquee tool and add one new layer below the 1st layer and draw one vertical selection. Fill with green colour & copy the rectangle & rotate position and make it horizontal.

12) Now merge all layer & add one new layer below the merge layer & gill with back colour.

Colour Replace :

1) Open a new Image.

2) Go to select Menu > Colour Range. One small dialog box appears. Click on eyedropper tool & click on a picture preview area and click OK.

3) Now press Alt + Backspace to fill the colour & press Ctrl + D.

- To preview hide content on your document go to Image Menu > Reveal All.

- Trim : To hide the transparent part of any Image. First you select the image & go to Image Menu > Trim. (One small dialog box appear there you click on OK bottom).

History Palette:

History palettes record the previews steps, which you apply on your image. This palette revert the pervious command.

History Brush:

This brush creates a snapshot of the image.


Snapshot creates a impermanent reference point of the image. This will records the steps and keeps it until you close the image. Once you close the image your snapshot in history palette will be gone.

Creating a Snapshot:

1) Open any image.

2) Open history palette.

3) Now press Ctrl + U & change the colour of your image.

4) Click on history palette, click on create a new snapshot button.

5) Again press Ctrl + Shift + U & click on history palette & click on create a new snapshot button.

6) Now select history brush and click on history palette you will see 3 history snapshot layer.

- Snapshot 1

- Snapshot 2

- Snapshot 3

7) Put a brush icon on which snapshot you want to revert, remember do not select the snapshot just put a brush icon & slowly move the history brush over the image.

8) Follow same technique to others.

9) Save the file. Go to file menu > Save.

Gradient Tool:

Making a web button using gradient colour.

1) File > New

2) Fill with black colour.

3) Select a Elliptical Marquee & draw a circle.

4) Click on fore colour & select yellow colour and click on back colour & choose orange colour.

5) Click on gradient tool & from its options bar at top, click on linear gradient & slowly drag your mouse in upward direction.

6) Once again select elliptical marquee tool & draw a small circle inside big circle & click on gradient tool & from the gradient editor dialog box select. The half orange & white gradient & slowly drag the mouse in upward direction.

7) Deselect the selection & ctrl + click on the layer & go to edit menu > stroke. Stroke dialog box appear.

Input 5 pixel / click on inside option. Select the stroke colour bar & click ok.

Sky Writing:

1) Select free form pen tool and activate path at top & type a text.

2) Now select 120 pixels soft edge brush.

3) Activate path palette & click on stroke at bottom of path palette.

4) Ctrl + Enter & press Ctrl + D to deselect.

Brush Secrete in Photoshop:

Creating Custom Brush:

1) Open Illustrator and draw a flower shape. Export it to PhotoShop. To export: go to file Menu > Export.

2) Open Photoshop, open the file name of flower.PSD (file extension). Hold down Ctrl key & click on a flower layer to select.

3) Now go to edit Menu > Define brush. Give your new brush names & flower & click ok.

4) Click on brush tool, select flower brush & change the brush setting. You have to click on toggle brush setting icon on brush option bar. One new dialog box appears. Now change the setting according to your choice.

For this brush follow below setting.

- Scattering :

Control: Pen pressure.

Scatter 507%

Count 3

- Colour dynamic :

Control: Pen pressure

Hue jitter : 22%

Saturation jitter : 13%

5) Now fill with black colour : Add one new layer and change the foreground colour to pink & select brush & move your mouse.

-Ctrl + Shift + E for whole layer merge.

-Ctrl + G for grouping with previous.

Cropping Image:

1) Open Photoshop select brush tool and draw whatever shape you want to draw.

2) Ctrl + Click to select the shape & copy it.

3) Now open a new image in Photoshop. Go to layer Menu > Add layer Mask > Reveal all. You will see rectangle box next to image in layer palette.

4) Now hold down Alt key & click on mask rectangle box, now you will see white colour over the image, there you paste the brush shape. If you want to increase the size press Ctrl + T & scale it. Now go to Image Menu > Adjustment > Invert.

5) Hold Alt & click on mask rectangle box in layer palette.

Designing CD cover:

1) New File > 500 x 500 pixel.

2) Press Ctrl + R to open ruler. Now drag the guideline from ruler tab. Drag one horizontal & one vertical line.

3) Now select elliptical shape remember to select path only & place a mouse point near to cross line & draw a circle. Press Ctrl + Enter to select & fill with any colour.

4) Now once again select elliptical marquee tool & draw a small circle in the center & press delete key.

5) Now right click on layer > blending option. Apply drop shadow, bevel & emboss.

6) Place a new picture over the CD layer and select image layer & press Ctrl + G.

Vector Mask:

1) Open 3, 4 image in Photoshop.

2) Place all image in one place in different layer.

3) Now select top layer and go to layer menu > Add vector mask > Reveal all.

4) Select any custom shape and slowly drag the mouse over the Image.

5) Follow same process to other layer.

Quick Mask Mode:

This is a quick selection technique in Photoshop.

1) Open any image.

2) Click on quick mask button.

3) Select brush tool & slowly drag over the image.

4) Now click on standard mode.

Link two or more layer:

When you link tow or more layer you can easily move the layer also, you can scale the size & position of all layer contents at once.

How to link layer:

1) Open 2, 3 Images place all Image in one place.

2) You will see those images in different layer, now select layer, click just next to 'eye'. You will see small chain size. This tells you your layer are linked each other.

3) To link another layer you have to simply click near to 'eye'.

Multimedia combine five different contain.

1) Text

2) Audio

3) Video

4) Graphic

5) 2D & 3D Animation

Bloody Effect:

1) Open any new image.

2) Click on Burn Tool.


Range : Highlight

3) Select Brush tool (make sure your fore colour and back colour should be in default colour i.e. black & white). Now slowly move your mouse over the picture. If you want darker shade change the burn tool range to midtone & apply over the image.

Glow Text:

1) Type a text in Photoshop. Choose impact font, size: Maximum (72 point).

2) Add one new layer below text layer now hold down ctrl key & click on text layer to select a text.

3) Than go to select menu > Feather > input 6 pixel value & click ok.

4) Select new layer and change the foreground colour to yellow (or select whatever colour you want) and press Alt + backspace. Press it for 2, 3 times.

5) Add one new layer and change the foreground colour to green, press Alt + backspace to fill the colour & press Ctrl + D to deselect.

6) Select your text layer > right click blending option > Bevel & Emboss (change the setting according to your choice).

Creating an Egg:

1) Open Photoshop File > New.

2) Select elliptical marquee tool & draw a oval shape fill with light cream colour.

3) Deselect the selection press Ctrl + D.

4) Right click on layer > blending option apply > Drop shadow & Inner shadow. And set Drop shadow and Inner shadow.

Text Reflection:

1) Select an Elliptical Marquee. Draw a circle. Fill with black colour. Go to select menu > feather one small dialog box appear: input 10 pixel value and press deselect.

2) Select rectangle marquee tool and select half portion of a circle and go to layer menu > New > layer via cut.

3) Now select a type tool and type a text, right click on text layer & rasterize it. Copy the text & paste it. Go to edit Menu > Transform flip vertical. Select the paste text press Ctrl + T. Right click on text from the top um menu select perspective & change the view of text.

Layer Style :

It is used for creating a special effects for an objects of a selection area. This effect creates an instant special effect. Layer style is divided into two ways. There are:

1) Layer Menu

2) Layer Palette

Once a layer style is applied it permanently saves in a layer later the user can modify it.

Drop Shadow:

Structure ® appearance can be changed.

Quality ® Depth can be changed.

Outer glow: This option allows the user to apply glow effect on the surface of the edge.

Structure: Appearance colour & blending & other can be control.

Element: Spread can be control.

Quality: Quality can be control.

Bevel & Emboss: This option allows the user to create a depthness in an effect. This option comes with various ranges of options.

Inner bevel, Outer bevel, Emboss, Pillow Emboss stroke Emboss.

Structure: Use for controlling the depthness of an object shading. Use for controlling the lighting & depthness.

Creating a Web button:

1) Select a rectangle shape.

2) Ctrl + Enter to select fill with white colour and right click on button layer & apply below setting.

-Drop Shadow

Multiple ® Black

Opacity 75%

Angle 90°

Distance 0

Spread 10

Size 22

Inner Shadow:

Multiple ® Black

Opacity 36

Angle 90°

Distance 0

Size 8

Gradient Overlay:

100% opacity

Linear gradient


Scale 100

3) Ctrl + Click the button & select elliptical marquee tool & subtract the selection. Hold down Alt key & add one new layer fill with white. Click on layer mask button & fill the black & white or other colour profile from top to button.

Use Pen Tool:

1) Select gradient tool. Fill with sky colour.

2) Add one new layer. Select hard edged round brush 190 pixels

3) 56% off white colour & spray in the formation of clouds.

4) Apply to of the cloud.

5) Select scatter maple leaves (Change the fore colour green & back colour light green & spread over.

6) Use pent tool on a new layer and draw below shape.

7) Add one new layer & draw a roof.

8) Select rectangle shape & draw vertical lines.

Apply layer style on a rectangle:

Drop shadow







Texture: Pattern 87


Pattern overlay:

Link with layer

Luminosity 100

30% opacity

Link with layer

Gradient Fill:

1) Select a pen tool select pen tool path only and draw any shape you like fill with white colour.

2) Go to select menu > feather input 10 pixel & press delete key.

3) Copy the shape as many you like & change the position.

4) Merge all layer (Ctrl + E) & after merging press Ctrl + Enter to select.

5) Select any gradient colour & drag over the selection & press Ctrl + D.

Cropping Image:

Layer Mask: Mask is defined as a selection outline expressed as a grayscale image. They can be used to hide or show anything that is an a layer whether it is an image an adjustment a colour or other.

Clipping Mask:

Grouping with previous

1) Type a text

2) Place any picture over text layer

3) Select the picture layer & press Ctrl + G or Go to Menu > Group with previous.


Filters are two types

1) Corrective e.g. Blur, sharpen (Special Effect)

2) Destructive Filter e.g. Distort

Crystal Effect:

1) File > New (600 ´ 600) pixel) and 72 Resolution and click on Transparent Background.

2) Select Pen tool (Make sure to select path option on top option bar) and make a crystal shape.

3) Press Ctrl + Enter to select fill with any colour as you wise (for eg. fill with blue colour) Do not Deselect the selection.

4) Go to Filter Menu > Stylize > Emboss

Setting :

Angle : 177

Height : 67

Amount : 53

Click on OK (You don't have to follow this setting. you can try different setting too)

5) Add one new layer above layer 1 and fill with same foreground colour as you fill before. Press Ctrl + D to deselect the selection.

6) Now change the new layer, by layer mode to colour & Merge both layers.

7) Press Ctrl + J to duplicate and press Ctrl + T to transform & slowly rotate the shape & decrease layer opacity to 70%.

8) 2 or 3 times repeat step 7 and merge all layers (Press Ctrl + E)

9) Now select Dodge tool and change the range to highlight & slowly move the mouse over the shape.

10) Press D to bring default colour press x to flip (bring white colour top) the colour.

11) Select brush tool then right click button on the mouse. Click on small 'D' arrow select assorted brush and append select starburst large brush & click over the edge of the crystal shape.

Another Technique to Make B/W Photo to Colour Photo Using Variation Option :

Go to Image Menu > Adjustment > Variation (One small dialog box appear. From these change the tint & shade of image) Remember to select an image before applying variation.

Special Effect :

1) Open any new image.

2) Select elliptical marquee tool or select polygonal lasso tool. Enter 20 px feather value.

3) Draw a circle shape or any shape over image.

4) Shift to quick mask mode.

5) Go to filter menu > Pixelate > Colour half tone. One small dialog box appear. Do not change the setting. Click ok.

6) Now shift to standard mode.

7) Press Ctrl + Shift + I (to inverse) and press Delete key.

Fire Effect on Text:

1) File > New > (400 ´ 400) pixel and 72 Resolution and Click on Transparent.

2) Fill with black colour.

3) Select Type Tool & type a text. (your text colour should be white colour)

4) Right click on text layer and rasterize it.

5) Go to edit Menu > Transform > Rotate 90° CW.

6) Go to Filter > Stylize > Wind. One small dialog box appear, choose direction from the left and click ok.

7) Press Ctrl + F twice.

8) Go to Edit Menu > Transform > Rotate 90° CCW.

9) Go to Filter > Distort > Ripple. (Do not change the setting. Click ok)

10) Now go to Image Menu > Mode > Grayscale. One small dialog box appear click on don't merge button.

11) Once again go to image menu > Mode > Index.

12) Again go to Image Menu > Mode > Colour table. One small dialog box appear. From the drop down menu choose black body and click ok.

Creating an Eye:

1) File > New (400 ´ 400), 72 Resolution and click on transparent.

2) Select Elliptical Marquee tool and make one small medium size circle fill with white colour.

3) Right click on layer > Blending Opting, Change the setting.

Drop Shadow: Inner Shadow

Multiply Mode Multiply

75% opacity 56% opacity

Angle : 120 Angle : 120

Distance : 5 Distance : 30

Size : 10 Size : 60

Inner Glow Outer Glow

Screen Mode Screen Mode

pacity 64% Opacity 100%

elect Black colour Select Black colour

ize : 10 Size : 5

After the setting close the blending window.

4) Add one new above layer and select elliptical marquee tool & make one small circle on center of big circle which you mode already.

5) Press D to bring default colour press x and select gradient tool and click on radial gradient at top now fill the gradient (Drag it from the center to edge of circle)

6) Do not deselect the selection. Add one new layer above small circle layer and fill with white colour & go to filter menu > Noise > Add noise.


Amouint : 400

Click on uniform

And Deselect Monochromatic

7) Now select Smudge Tool and drag the Smudge tool from center to edge.

8) Press Ctrl + U to open Hue/Saturation.


Hue : 30

Saturation : 93

Lightness : 33

9) Change the mode to overlay.

10) Now hide big wide. Select small circle layer & press Ctrl + Shift + E to merge.

Painting Effect:

1) Open any image.

2) Go to filter menu > Artistic > Water colour.


Brush Detail : 5

Shadow intensity : 1

Texture : 2

3) Duplicate the layer

4) Go to filter Menu > Stylize > Emboss


Angle : -40°

Height : 5

Amount : Between 150 - 200%

5) Finally change duplicate layer, layer mode to linear light.

Bubble Effect:

1) New file (400 x 400 pixel)

2) Fill with gray colour.

3) Go to filter menu > Render > Lens fire.

4) Go to filter menu > Distort > Polar Coordinate

- Polar to rectangle.

5) Go to image menu > Rotate Canvas > 180°

6) Once again go to filter menu > Distort > Polar Coordinate.

- Rectangle to Polar

7) Now select elliptical marquee draw one perfect circular selection over the bubble. Press Ctrl + Shift + I & press delete & deselect the selection.

8) Add one new layer above the bubble layer fill with any colour & change the layer mode to colour or without adding new layer press Ctrl + U (Hue/Saturation) & move the slider according to your choice.

Twirl Effect: (For Background)

1) File > New

2) Fill with Black colour

3) Add new one layer above the background.

4) Select 100 pixel blurry brush & change the foreground colour to light green and draw 4 diagonal lines.

5) Once again repeat step 4 this time select 50 pixel blurry brush & forecolour yellow.

6) Go to filter menu > Distort > Twirl


Amount : 999

7) Once again go to filter menu > Render > Lighting effect.


Style : 2 O'clock

Texture channel : layer transparency.

Matrix Effect:

A) For Image

1) Open any Image

2) Go to filter menu > Texture > Grain

Grain type : Vertical

3) Press Ctrl + U (to open Hue/Saturation)

Hue : 117

Saturation : 25

Matrix Effect:

B) For Background

1) File > New (400 x 400 pixel)

2) Fill with white colour

3) Go to filter menu > Texture > Grain

4) Change the foreground colour to green & background colour to black

5) Go to filter menu > Artistic > Neon glow select glow colour back

6) Go to filter stylize > Glowing edge.


Edge width : 1

Edge Brightness : 5

Smoothness : 1

Rain Effect :

1) Open any image

2) Add one new layer and go to filter menu > Render > Clouds.

3) Go to filter > Noise > Add noise.


Amount : 60

Distribution : Gaussian

Tick on Monochromatic

4) Once again go to filter menu >

Blur > Motion Blur


Angle : 70

Distance : 10

and change new layer blending option to screen mode.

Sketch Effect:

1) Open an Image

2) Go to filter > Stylize > Find Edge

3) Press Ctrl + Shift + F

4) Ctrl + Shift + U to desaturate.

Ray Effect:

1) Type a text

2) Ctrl + Click on text layer & add one new layer below text layer & select new layer & go to select Menu > Expand input 10 pixel value.

3) Fill with white colour & deselect the selection.

4) Go to filter > Blur > Radial blur.


Zoom : 100%

Quality : Best

5) Press Ctrl + U and change the setting according to your choice.

Star Brush Effect:

1) File > New

2) Fill with gradient colour (Combination white & black). Place the cussor at the bottom of canvas & drag upward at top.

3) Go to Filter Menu > Distort > Wave. Do not change the default setting simply select or tick on square and click ok.

4) Once again go to filter menu > Distort > Polar Coordinate.

- Rectangle to Polar

5) Press Ctrl + U (Hue/Saturation)


Hue : 200

Saturation: 25


Press Ctrl + B (Colour Balance)

Midtone : 70 0 -70

Highlight : 70 0 -70

Shadow : 70 0 -20

Fire Effect:

1) File > New

2) Press D & go to filter Menu > Render > Cloud.

3) Go to filter > Distort > Polar to Rectangle.

4) Press Ctrl + B & Setting as below.

Midtone : 70 0 -70

Highlight : 70 0 -70

Shadow : 70 0 -20

Diamond Text:

1) Open new file & fill with black colour.

2) Type text & press Ctrl + click on the text to select text.

3) Go to filter > Render > Clouds

4) Go to filter > Distort > Glass


Distort : 20

Smooth : 1

- Tiny lens

Scaling : 55

5) Right click on text > Blending option > Stroke


Size : 10

- Out side

- Normal mode

- Gradient colour

- Sharp brush

- 90°

- 100%

6) Select brush, Right click on canvas. Select assorted brush. One small dialog box appear. Click on append and choose star & bring white colour as foreground & simply click over the text.

To Add Cloud:

1) Open Image & add new layer

2) Go to filter > cloud

3) Press Ctrl + F to change position & cloud.

4) Go to layer mash > Hide all.

5) Select brush & Press where you want to have cloud.

Any Image or Flower on a Water Effect:

1) Open any image one new layer.

2) Select rectangle marquee tool select half part and change the forecolour to light blue & go to filter menu > Render > Clouds. Deselect the selection press Ctrl + D

3) Select polygonal lasso tool to select half part of an image. Go to layer menu > New > layer via cut & decrease the opacity of new layer to 50 %

4) Go to water layer and select elliptical marquee tool make a selection and go to filter menu > Distort > Zigzag.




Around Center

Shocking Text:

1) File > New (400 x 400 pixel)

Fill with black colour

2) Type a text, right click on text layer & rastarize it and duplicate the text layer and hide duplicate text layer.

3) Select original text layer and press Ctrl + E (Merge the text with background)

4) Select merge layer, go to image menu > Rotate Canvas > 90° C

5) Go to filter menu > Stylize > wind.

- From the left.

Click ok and press Ctrl + F

6) Again go to filter Menu > Stylize > wind.

- From the right

Click ok and Press Ctrl + F

7) Go to image Menu > Rotate Canvas > 90° CCW

8) Go to filter Menu > Stylize > wind

- From the left

and click ok.

9) Once again go to Filter > Stylize > Wind.

- From the right

Click ok

10) Ctrl + & (Hue/Saturation)

11) Unhide the duplicate text layer Ctrl + click on duplicate text layer to select the text.

12) After selection go to select menu > Modify > Contract.

Input 1 pixel value & fill with any colour for e.g. fill with black clour.

Special Effect for Background:

1) File > New

2) Change the foreground colour to light brown or input 3DC6C6 value & background colour to black.

3) Go to filter > Render > Cloud.

4) Go to filter Menu > Stylize > Extrude


Size : 20

Depth : 30

- Random

Click ok.

5) Go to filter menu > Stylize > Glowing Edges.

6) Go to filter > Stylize > Find Edges.

7) Go to filter > Stylize > Solarize.

Fire Ball Effect:

1) File > New (400 x 400 pixel. Fill with black colour)

2) Select Elliptical Marquee tool & Make one Circular Selection in a new layer.

3) Go to filter > Render > Clouds

4) Go to filter > Render > Different clouds (Apply different clouds 4 times)

5) Press Ctrl + L (To open level) & Input below value or you can change the value according to your choice.

0 0.65 135

6) Go to filter > Distort > Spherize

1st time 100% amount

2nd time 50% amount

7) Change the blending mode to hard light.

8) Press Ctrl + U (Hue/Saturation)

Hue : 25

Saturation : 60

- Colourize

9) Right Click on layer > Blending mode

Inner glow : Screen

Opacity : 75

- Orange colour

Size : 32

Outer Glow : Screen

Opacity : 75

- Orange Colour

Size : 92

Special Effect:

1) File > New (400 x 400 pixel)

Fill with black colour.

2) Go to filter > Render > Lens flare

3) Go to filter > Stylize > Extrude

- Pyramid

Size : 30

Depth : 255

- Random

Click Ok & Press Ctrl + F

4) Go to filter > Distort > Polar coordination

- Rectangle to polar

5) Go to filter > Blur > Radial Blur

- Spin

Amount : 32 %

Quality : Best

6) Go to image Menu > Adjustment > Auto Contrast.

7) Add one new layer above and fill with any colour and change the layer mode to colour.

Sharpening Image:

1) Open any focus out image

2) Duplicate the image layer

3) Change the colour mode to LAB colour. (Go to image menu > mode > Lab Colour)

4) Open channel palette. Select lighten channel and go to filter menu > Sharpen > Unsharp mask.

5) Change the colour mode to RGB (image menu > mode > RGB)

Lighting Effect

1) File > New (400 x 400 pixel)

2) Press D to bring default colour

3) Go to filter > Render clouds

4) Go to filter > Different clouds

Press Ctrl + F 2 times

5) Prerss Ctrl + I

6) Press Ctrl + L (to open level)

Move the light slider toward right side.

7) Finally press Ctrl + U to open Hue/Saturation or add one new layer fill with any colour & change the new layer in layer mode to colour & press Ctrl + E to merge.

8) Duplicate merge layer & go to filter menu > Blur > Radial blur.





9) And change the duplicate layer mode to screen.

Fire Text (2nd Technique)

1) File > New (400 x 400)

2) Press X and select type tool and type a text and duplicate text layer and hide duplicate text layer. Select original layer and right click on layer and rasterize it.

3) Go to filter > Blur

Setting: Gaussian Blur

Amount : 2.0

4) Click on smudge tool right click on canvas and select + 17 pixel blurry brush & slowly smudge at top of text.

5) Press Ctrl + U click on colourize & move the slider.

6) Press Ctrl + B to open colour balance.

70 0 -70 (Midtone)

70 0 -70 (Shadow)

70 0 -20 (Highlight)

7) Open hide layer and change the text colour to black.

3D Text

1) Type a text rasterize it

2) Go to filter menu > Stylize > Emboss


Angle : 135

Height : 5

Amond : 256

3) Press Ctrl + T right click > Perspective.

4) Finally hold down, Ctrl + Alt + & Click on up arrow or left arrow.

5) Ctrl + click on top layer & fill with any colour.

Displacement Map

1) Open any Image.

2) Add one new layer above it.

3) Click on gradient tool open gradient editor.


B = Back Colour

W = White Colour

(Always take B/W colour)

Click OK.

4) Hold down shift key & drag the gradient and go to file menu and save the file with displace.PSD (File Name)

File Menu > Save As

5) Delete the gradient layer and go to image > Canvas size, input 2,2 and click OK. (This will increase your working area not your image size)

6) Go to filter Menu > Distort > Displace one small box appear in the screen.


Horizontal : 0

Vertical : 10

Tick on Sketch to fit & Tick on Wrap around.

Click on ok button another dialog box appear on screen. From these choose your previously saved file. i.e. displace.PSD file and click open.

7) You will see displace image on screen. Now open displace.PSD file (Go to file menu > Open > Displace.

Now drag the gradient displace file over the displace image increase the size of gradient (displace) select the pasted layer (i.e. gradient displace and hold down Ctrl and click on displace image layer press Ctrl + Shift + I to (Inverse & delete) it and change the blending mode of pasted layer to overlay or what ever you want.

Smooth Skin (Steps to follow)

1) Open an Image (Duplicate the image)

2) Select Blurry Brush.

3) Shift to quick mask mode

4) Slowly move over the face area using brush leave eye, nose & mouth area beside these select all pasts.

5) Shift to standard mask mode.

6) Go to filter menu > Blur > Gaussian blur.

Amount : 2 to 5 (Depends upon the Image)

7) Go to filter > Noise > Add Noise.


Amount : 2.3 or 4.4

Tick on Uniform

Tick on Monochromatic

8) Finally deselect the selection.

Water Text (Transparent Text)

1) Open any Image.

2) Type a text

3) Right click on text layer > Blending option. Decrease the fill opacity to 10% from blending default and highlight.

Bevel & Emboss

* Inner bevel

* Size : 10, 20

(Use your own setting)

4) Go to filter > Liquefy > Use Wrap

Alpha Channel

1) File > New (400 x 400)

Fill with white colour

2) Click on channel palette.

Click on add new channel button (This will create Alpha 1 channel in channel palette)

3) Select Alpha 1 Channel and go to filter menu > Render > Different clouds.

4) Shift to layer mode i.e. click on layer palette and select layer.

5) Go to filter menu > Render > lighting effect select 2 O'clock or default light. Now if you want to change the lightning setting, you can change if not then leave it as default the only thing you have to select alpha 1 from texture channel and click ok.


1) Open any image Ctrl + A and copy it Ctrl + C

2) Open another picture.

3) Click on Channel Palette click on add new channel button ( This will create Alpha 1 channel in channel palette)

4) Shift to layer mode i.e. click on layer palette and select layer.

5) Go to filter menu > Render > Lighting effect. Select 2 O'clock or default light now if you don't want to change the leave as default. The only things you have to select Alpha 1 from texture channel and click ok.

Swirl Text Logo Effect:

1) File > New (400 x 400)

Fill with black colour.

2) Press D and press X and select type tool and type any text.

3) Ctrl + Click on text layer. One new layer above the text layer and go to Filter > Render > Clouds. Click OK and press Ctrl + F.

4) Ctrl + D (to deselect) and go to filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mode.


Amount : 500%

Threshold : 8 (Radius)

5) Go to filter > Stylize > Wind

Tick on from the right.

6) Hold Ctrl & Click on original text layer.

7) Go to Select Menu > Modify > Contract (One small dialog box appear) input 5 pixel.

8) Go to select menu > Feather (Input 3 pixel) & click OK.

9) Go to select menu > Inverse ( Ctrl + Shift + I)

10) Go to filter menu > Stylize > Wind.

Tick on From the right.

11) Go to filter menu > Distort > Twirl

Amount : 99%

12) Finally click on layer adjustment button on layer menu & Select colour balance.


70 0 -70 (Shadow)

70 0 -70 (Midton)

70 0 -20 (Highlight)

Water Effects:

1) File > New (400 x 400)

2) Press 'D' go to filter Menu > Render > Clouds

3) Go to filter > Blur > Radial Blur.


Amount : 38%

Blur Method : Spin

Quality : Best

4) Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.

5) Go to Filter > Sketch > Bas Relief

Detail : 13 (you can change the setting)

Smoothness : 10

6) Go to filter > Sketch > Chrome

Detail : 5 (you can change the setting)

Smoothness : 10

Apply Hue/Saturation Or Continue to 7 number

7) Duplicate the layer & hide the duplicate layer

8) Select the original layer & go to image > Adjustment > channel mixer


RED channel. Blur channel change the slider value.

Select each channel from the drop down menu & change the setting.

9) Change the duplicate layer mode to colour dodge and opacity 5 to 10%.

10) Go to layer menu > Flatten.

11) Go to filter > Other > Offset.

Horizontal : 100

Vertical : 100

12) Go to filter > Distort > Zigzag.

Amount : 10

Ridge : 5 (Change according to your choice)


An action is a set of command which play on a single file or batch of file.

You will find different types of predefine actions on action palette. This is quite similar to history palette the only different between history & action you can record an action & apply layer on to different file but you can not record a history & cannot apply on different file.

Creating An Action Or Recording An Action:

1) Open any image.

2) Open action palette.

3) Click on net set icon on a action palette change set name by double clicking it.

4) Now click on record button on action palette (Not: You will see red button on action palette that mean whatever changes you made to your image that automatically record on action palette)

5) After clicking on record action button go to image menu > image size. Input any size and click ok.

6) Now click on layer Adjustment > Gradient Map > Decrease the layer opacity to 20%.

7) If you want to record more you can continue if not than click on stop button on action palette.

How To Apply Action:

1) Open any new image.

2) Open action palette.

3) Click on play button.

Note: Remember not every action can be apply to another file and you cannot records each & every PhotoShop tools. For e.g. Clone stamp (you cannot records clone stamp tool). *.Atn (File extension of action file)

Apply action on Batch of file:

1) Go to file menu > Automate > Batch one new dialog box appear.

2) Choose the action set from set drop down list box and choose action from action drop down list box.

3) Now click on choose button to select your image folder and click ok.

We can apply same effect on how many Picture you want

e.g. 20 picture same effect

Source : Folder


Destination : Folder


Note: Remember you first create one folder in a desktop & paste an image inside the folder (How many image you want to make action) than follow above steps.

Contact Sheet:

To display Multiple Image whether its different or same image on the single sheet as a thumbnail view use contact sheet.


1) Go to file menu > Automate > Contract sheet. One small dialog box appear choose the image source file and click ok.

Picture Package:

Use picture package to display different size of your image on one sheet.

1) Go to file menu > Automate > Picture package. One small dialog box appear choose the source folder or file & from the drop down menu choose the document layout & click Ok.


Droplet is a standard one program which will records an action & can use later on.

How to create a droplet:

1) Go to filter Menu > Automate > Droplet.

One small dialog box appears. Click on choose button at top to select the save destination and from the crop down list box select an action set & action & click ok.

How to apply droplet:

1) Open the folder where you save droplet.

2) Open an image folder where you want to apply. Now select one image file drag it and drop over the droplet.

3) As you drop an image file over the droplet icon photoshop open and you will see the different.

Web Photo Album:

It is very useful for creating any photo gallery for your web page.


1) Open all your images on a single folder.

2) Open photoshop & go to file menu > Automate > Web photo album (Gallery)

3) One small dialog box appear on the screen click on brown button to select your image folder and click on destination button, to where you want to save and select the photo album style and input site name, date etc. and click ok.

Slice Tool:

Slice tool is used to slice one single image into multiple slice so that it can be very useful for web page and can be saved separately.

When you are making any web layout using photoshop you can use slice tool so that your page can load in the internet explore quickly.

Creating Web Layout:

Note to Remember : Web Resolution always 72 and Web page size is 800 x 600

1) Go to file menu > New > 800 x 600 & 72 Resolution & transparent background.

2) Now design the page layout according to your choice. Merge visible all layers.

3) Click on slice tool & drag it over the page layout and go to file menu > Save for web page. Always save in GIF or PNG file format (PNG = Portable network group) or click on jump to image ready icon & from there you can save the page.

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