Saturday, November 7, 2009

The World of Multimedia


Computers have evolved from huge mainframes to the small desktop computer. The first personal computers could not play sounds and they displayed only the text on the screen . But over the years, a numbers of new technologies have emerged that have extended the power and scope of the machines like faster chips, sound cards, bigger monitors and so on . Thus, a platform for multimedia emerged gradually.

Multimedia is a new technology. As the name implies, multimedia is the combination of multiple forms of media. This includes texts, graphics, animations, videos, sound and computer programs. which are digitally controlled by a computer(s). Multimedia enhances the information for better communication and understanding.

Hardware and Software Required

Extra hardware required for multimedia computer system are CD-ROM drive, a sound card, a speaker or headset, a microphone etc.

The different types of multimedia software are Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash, 3D Studio Max etc.

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